CALM TALK 141 | 在位中子散射在材料研究中的应用 |
发布人:任振夏 发布时间:2021-11-02 |
报告人:王浩 教授 报告时间:2021年11月3日(周三) 10:00-11:00 报告地点:先进低维材料中心学术交流室(复合材料协同创新楼A212) 主持人:杨曙光 教授
报告人简介:Prof. Wang obtained his Bachelor of Science in Physics from the Peking University and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1999. After postdoc research at NIST, he was an assistant professor at Michigan Technological Univ., an associate professor at the State University of New York, Binghamton, a research professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, and the founding director of the SLDF, the first deuteration facility in China. Wang has had extensive research experience in neutron techniques for studying soft matter, nanotechnology, electronics and batteries, and authored over 100 publications and 8 patents. Wang was a member of the Bohmische Physical Society, a recipient of the NSF Career Award, an Empire-State Professor at SUNY, and a NIST-ARRA Senior Research Fellow.
报告摘要:中子散射在过去几十年里成为科学界广泛认可的非常强大的研究工具。它不仅推动材料研究和基础科学的前沿,同时也帮助解决工程上的实际问题,如无损检测二次电池的失效与寿命,揭示塑料的线性长链在加工中的变形和形貌,等等。位于广东东莞的中国散裂中子源(CSNS)目前已经建成并投入正常运行。预计在今后几年内逐步提升中国中子科学研究的规模和水平。我们将与CSNS合作开发中子测量的技术和仪器,以促进中国的中子科学,推进材料和能源技术的发展。本报告将基于我们自己的科研案例讨论各类中子测量方法在材料和能源研究中的应用, 特别地,我们将讨论中子测量在理解纤维素溶解和加工过程机理中的应用,以加快开发新型技术和产品。 |