储玲玲:Radical 1,2-addition of bromoarenes to alkynes via dual photoredox and nickel catalysis |
发布人:张妮 发布时间:2021-05-05 |
摘要:A regioselective, intermolecular 1,2-addition of aryl bromides to alkynes enabled by the photocatalytic generation of bromine radicals via photoredox and nickel catalysis is reported. This mild and redox-neutral protocol tolerates a wide range of (hetero)aryl bromides as well as alkynes, diynes, and enynes, generating diverse alkenyl bromides with exclusive regioselectivity. 原文链接:https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/qo/d1qo00365h#!divAbstract |