学术报告 | Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Low Dimensional Organic/Inorganic Fluorescent Materials
发布人:朱晓旭  发布时间:2016-06-14   

主讲人:  蓝敏焕地点:  先进低维材料中心学术会议室(2号学院楼西6楼2632室)时间:  2016-06-27 10:30:00

    报告摘要:As compared to three-dimensional (3D) bulk substances, low-dimensional  structures are anticipated to exhibit new properties due to the quantum  confinement and/or surface and interfacial effects. In addition, the readiness  for surface modification and good solvent dispersiblility enable them easily  hydrated with other organic molecules or nanostructures and thus construct a  multi-functional platform. Therefore, in recent years, materials scientists have  drawn particular attention to these nanosystems to make sense of their unusual  physical and chemical properties that can promote novel applications in  environmental and biomedical. In this presentation, we will focus on two hot  research low dimensional materials: conjugated polymer based nanosystems and  carbon nanoparticles, and investigated their applications in sensing, bioimaging  and phototherapy. Moreover, some of these materials exhibit excellent non-linear  optical properties and thus the capability of two-photon excited fluorescence  imaging and therapy will also be discussed. 

    报告人简介: 蓝敏焕,男,2007年在中央民族大学获理学学士学位,2013年在中国科学院理化技术研究所获理学博士学位(专业:有机化学;导师:  张文军教授,汪鹏飞研究员),2013年起在香港城市大学超金刚石与先进薄膜研究中心(COSDAF)担任高级研究助理  (合作导师:张文军教授)。主要从事有机、无机发光材料的设计、制备及在生物/环境等领域的应用;新型碳纳米材料的制备及在环境、疾病诊疗等领域的应用。目前,共发表  SCI论文19篇,其中以第一作者(含共同第一)在 Nat. Commun.(共一), J. Am. Chem. Soc., Nano Research,  Chem. Commun., 等杂志上发表论文13篇; 发表的论文中有3篇被选为“高被引论文”;申请国内外发明专利10余项,其中包括2项国际专利;  获中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖、国家奖学金、北京  市优秀毕业生、中国科学院大学优秀毕业生,中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖学金,第十一届海峡两岸纳米科技研讨会(香港),第二届材料化学亚太国际会议(北京)等国际会议获得优秀墙报等多项奖励与荣誉。  
